I just returned from a 5 day training camp in Soldier Hollow, Utah with the Sun Valley Olympic Development Team. We took advantage of the great roller ski trails and used the terrain to work on skate V1 and classic stride technique... two things we do not have much of in Sun Valley.
The first day, we worked on our hops with specific plyos: jumping over hurdles, jumping up multiple stairs, single leg hops, etc. We completed the workout with an hour run around the Soldier Hollow trails. I spent most of the afternoon resting and relaxing, trying to make-up for lost sleep the night before. Our afternoon workout was spent doing max strength at the Racquet Club in Park City...thank you Racquet Club! I think everyone is getting pretty strong!
The next morning we woke up to do some 5x4 minute, level 4 intervals up Hermod's Hill. If you are not familiar with the 2002 Olympic Cross-Country Venue, there is a long, tough hill called Hermod's Hill. Even though it was a hard workout, I was pleased with the way I held my technique together and completed the workout as it was meant to be done. After watching my technique video and reviewing it with my coach, I went out that afternoon and skied Hermod's a few more times to work on specific technique.
Wednesday morning we woke up bright and early to hike Mt. Timpanogos. With 4,580 feet of elevation gain, it took us just under three hours to reach the summit. The trail brought us behind waterfalls, across snow fields, along steep ridges, near lakes, eye to eye with mountain goats, and glissades down snow. All in all it was an awesome hike! To top off the day we spent the afternoon at the water park!
On Thursday morning we did a 13k pursuit time trial. A pursuit consists of racing the first half with the classic gear and then switching to skate gear for the second half. The classic portion of the race went well for me. I felt strong and was able to maintain a good pace. After switching to my skate gear for the second half, my legs cramped up and felt as heavy as bricks! Ug...a horrible feeling! The long over-distance hike the day before had done my legs in. I lost quite a bit of time on the skate portion and was disappointed to end the way I did after such a good start. I immediately iced my legs after the race in the 50 degree river! Brrr!
Friday morning we went for a distance classic roller ski, focusing once again, on technique. I received some good feedback on things I was improving on and things I needed to keep working on. That afternoon we made our trek back to Sun Valley. After a long drive and some time spent gatering equipment that fell out off the roof rack onto the freeway, we finally made it home!
All in all it was a great camp with some quality training!
Making our way up Mt. Timpanogos
Kate, surfing on an iceberg!
The summit of Mt. Timpanogos