Thursday, July 17, 2008

Only in Alaska...

I was in Alaska earlier this month and I was reminded how unique, or some might say crazy, Alaska really is. Here are just a few situations I ran into while I was in there.


-do you have to wait for a bull moose to get out of your path

-do you go for a run at 10:00pm because it feels like 6:00pm

-do you see “DANGER: BEAR SIGHTED” signs everywhere!

-does a mama moose and her calves run across the street in front of you while you are roller skiing

-do you see huge, white capped mountain in the middle of July

-do you hear the neighbor’s lawn mower roaring at 11:00pm

-are people crazy enough to race up rocky and cliffy croppings

- do people wear shorts and t-shirts when it’s a balmy 50 degrees

I am currently back in Sun Valley, Idaho training with my team and helping at the YMCA summer camp every day. I am having a lot of fun with the kids! Each week is packed with fun "themed" activities. This week's theme is "Campers to the Rescue." In light of that, a couple forest rangers took us on a hike today. Here is a picture of a few kids and I eager to start our hike.

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