Monday, August 4, 2008

A Solid Week of Training

Last week, the Sun Valley Olympic Development Ski Team enjoyed the training company of the Continental Cup U.S. Ski Team. With the addition of these 7 athletes, the intensity and caliber of the workouts were increased ten-fold. It was a great opportunity for my team and I to train with different people and have a solid week of training. I put in a 23-hour week, packed with two over-distance workouts, two intensity workouts, one time-trial and four easy distance workouts focusing on technique. Oh, and I can't forget the intense wiffle-ball tournament we had against the U.S. Ski Team...we crushed them:)

Here are some pictures of our 4-hour run in the Sawtooth Valley yesterday. We hit up 9 lakes on a 20-mile loop. Great run!

The girls making their way up the pass

A brief stop for a picture

A refreshing dip in the lake at the end of the run!

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