Sunday, January 4, 2009

No Go!

It’s another subzero day in Anchorage! After yesterday’s race being canceled due to cold weather, we are giving it another try today. It is currently -13 degrees at Kincaid and the 11:30 am start scheduled for today has been delayed to 1:30 pm this afternoon. We will see if it warms up 9 degrees!
Despite the frigid temperatures, it has been beautiful up here! I guess thats easy to say that when you are from Alaska. This past week has brought a brutal week of subzero temperatures, well below the average temperature for this time of year. I’m not sure why Anchorage seems to be cursed every time we have a big ski event up here…either there is not enough snow and it rains or it is really cold. If I had to pick between the two, I would definitely prefer the cold weather over the warm, rainy weather. Think of it this way, it makes for easy waxing.

Hopefully temperatures will warm up as the week goes on. I will keep you posted on how things unfold.

1 comment:

Zack said...

Hey Nicole, Good luck at Nationals if you guys ever get to race! Hope you guys had a good Holiday up North. Say hi to Colin and see you soon (owl chase, boulder?)... Go fast!! -Zack